Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dammit Janet

Okay, so now I'm just using random titles... but it's fun! Anyway... today is yet another day. Nothing exciting. Relaxed for a while during the day, and then went to the tree stand to work. I actually find that I really do like working there. Why? People. Good company always makes what would normally be a crappy task a little more fun. I enjoy the tree stand group! I have made some new friends and just have had a good time. Of course, making money doesn't hurt either. My goal is to make at least another $150 to go finish my Christmas shopping with. Hopefully that will be enough for the last of the stuff I need to get. David SAID he's going to send me money from his next paycheck... but I assure you, I won't be holding my breath.

Confession for today:

I'm lonely. I'm surrounded by people... but I'm lonely. I don't know why. I wish I was stronger about it... but I'm not.

So, okay, not much of a confession... but all I could think of right now.


Gretchen said...

I love reading your blog. I cannot, however, read red font on pink background.
Love you!

Mommynlovinit said...

Sorry! I'll do different font color!